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41 - Manchester, Greater Manchester, England

Music is the love of my life so far... I love singing, theatre, concerts, keeping fit, skiing and my work. I...


34 - Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, England

I have great sense of humour and I play music on the set as hobby(DJ) I will take you on trip, be ready for a ride


40 - Preston, Lancashire, England

I'm a reserved, quiet lady who has hidden depths. I am fun to be around, with a good sense of humour, love to...


37 - Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland

People should get to know me because they choose to 🤷🏻‍♂️😂……………. I...


39 - Ebbw Vale, Blaenau Gwent, Wales

I am a hard working gentleman and father, with lots of love to give, looking for a special lady to share my...


31 - Neath, Neath Port Talbot, Wales

My friends would describe me as outgoing and thoughtful, they all tell me that my biggest strength is how much I...

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Success Stories

We met for the first time 6 months ago, we got on really well. We can't believe our luck as it was the first date that both of us had been on for years and we just seemed to hit it off from the start.
Steven, 22 April 2024
I've met a really lovely man, it's early days but neither of us wants to meet anyone else. We're making plans, we are both widowed and this feels like something lovely coming from a lot of heartache. Thank you
Kat, 24 October 2024
We both joined the site within a week of each other! I ‘liked’ him, he ‘liked’ me back! We followed that up with a 2 1/2 hour phone call, then met on April 5th. Barely a couple of months on and we’re both pretty certain this is it! So grateful I took a chance!!!
Jacqui, 27 May 2024

Our Support Team is here to guide you

Feedback from members we've helped in the past.

Kind reply and you've answered everything .. and quickly -I thank you.
Sandra, 30 May 2024
That's great, thank you very much. You have been extremely helpful.
Julie, 18 June 2024
I want to let you know that what you are doing is absolutely commendable. And given the number of romance scam, it is good to know that your team is doing due diligence. Well done. I feel safer. I have to tell you that I was very nervous signing up.
Alyce, 12 March 2024